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High Risk Checklist â€‹

In-hospital cardiac arrest is frequently preceded by early warning signs of clinical deterioration that can be recognized and treated by trained in-hospital staff. The improvement in recognition, situational awareness, and training amongst healthcare providers in the complex, high-stress setting of a pediatric critical care setting may have an important impact on patient outcomes.

Consistent and regular use of a High-Risk Checklist can:

  • Facilitate early identification of patients at the highest risk for cardiac arrest.

  • Allow the multidisciplinary clinical team additional time and resources to prepare hospital staff, equipment, and the patient in the event of a cardiac arrest.​

DISCLAIMER: Please be respectful of intellectual property; these are the proprietary documents of their respective institutions.

The following customized high risk screening forms have been made available for reference and use by members of the collaborative.


Check out Instituto Roosevelt's for a Spanish translation!

High Risk Screening Forms

How can we implement a High Risk Checklist in our ICU?

  1. Screen with high risk checklist during morning & evening pre-rounding/huddles

  2. Assign a charge nurse or a respiratory therapist to do the daily screening -- it is important to have "Checklist Champions" for each shift!

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