Congratulations to James Gray and Co-authors!
WooHoo! for James Gray MD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, selected as the 2021 Paul Dudley White International Scholar for the highest ranked abstract submitted from the US to the Resuscitation Science Symposium 2021!!
One of the founders of the American Heart Association, Paul Dudley White was a champion for global cardiovascular health strategies. The stellar work chosen by peers reflects Dr. White’s vision for global excellence in cardiovascular science and medicine and recognizes authors that contributed to the highest ranked accepted abstract from each country.
Prevalence of Inappropriate Defibrillation Attempts during Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Gray J, Raymond T, Atkins D, Tegtmeyer K, Niles D, Nadkarni V, Dewan M, for the pediRES-Q Investigators